How to Get a Cheap Home Through a Housing Association


In a time when affordable housing isn’t easy to come by, many people are looking for different ways to get a home. If it is a struggle to get enough money for a deposit or a mortgage, housing associations may offer you a cheaper alternative.

Housing associations provide homes for those on a low income or in need of support. Renting through a Housing Association is significantly cheaper than private rentals and there is the opportunity for discounted Shared Ownership or outright buying of homes through the associations once you are a tenant.

You can apply directly to a housing association but it’s best to make your application through your local council as this increases your chances of getting a home.

Once you’ve applied you will be put on a waiting list. Priority will be given to those who are homeless, live in overcrowded conditions, are vulnerable or who need to move on medical or welfare grounds. Some provide supported housing for those with specific needs.

The selection process varies but many councils operate a points system to determine the priority of applicants. Those with the highest number of points are allocated housing first.

Applying for a housing association home can be a very lengthy process depending upon your circumstances.  In some cases it can take several years. In one area the average waiting time is seven years!

The truth is most people are eligible to apply to rent a housing association home but, as there is a long waiting list, those who are considered a priority are most likely to get a place. Priorities include:

Key workers

Key workers, those who work within the public sector and are vital to the communicator, are priority for a housing association home. These include teachers, nurses, care workers and police among others.

People on low income

If you are on a low income (usually meaning 60% or less of the average British household income) you will be given priority. If you have dependents, children, or are expecting a child, you will be given preference.


If you are considered elderly then you too are considered a priority.

If you’re aged 55 or over, you can get also help from a scheme called ‘Older People’s Shared Ownership’. This works in the same way as a shared ownership scheme (see below), but you can only buy up to 75% of your home. Once you own 75% though, you won’t have to pay rent on the remaining share.


Once you have been allocated a property it is typical to be put on a twelve month starter tenancy which operates much like a trial period. After that you usually become a fixed term tenant. As with a usual tenancy agreement the landlord is responsible for repairs, as well as ensuring sufficient modern facilities and warmth. If the housing association needs to move you then they should offer alternative accommodation.

Housing association rents are cheaper because they put the profit back into existing properties and financing new properties. However rent prices obviously vary from area to area. In London they are more expensive than in Hull, for example.

If there are any problems with the standard of the housing association property you are renting then you should raise it with the landlord before making a formal complaint.

Right to Buy

A small number of housing association tenants might be able to purchase their homes under the Right to Buy scheme, most commonly available to council tenants.

To do this you must be living in a home where you were once a council tenant when it was transferred to a housing association. In such a case you might have a ‘preserved’ Right to Buy. If these circumstances apply to you then you should ask your landlord whether you have the Right to Buy.

Under this scheme there are much higher maximum discounts; £100,000 for London and £75,000 in the rest of the country (and the government have recently announced plans to increase these maximum amounts in line with inflation!) The discount you will receive depends upon the length of time you have been a tenant at that property.